
Register below!

Please print this .pdf file of the invitation to post copies in your community!

Share this .png file on social media too, and include a link to this Events page!

See additional events below.

Free Public Education Webinar:
Wireless Risks & Safer Tech Connections at School!

Register: Tuesday, October 29, 7 p.m. ET/4 p.m. PT

  • If this date doesn’t work for you, please register and we will send the recording and slides so you can research further what interests you

  • Sign up to receive future invitations and updates

Click here to watch and share recent webinars.
Slides are included in the video description on YouTube.

All are welcome to come learn about today’s wireless radiation health risks in schools, and walk away with excellent resources available to help our schools stay connected and protected TODAY!

You’ll also discover why we don’t know, and actions taking place in the courts and legislatures to transition to safer technology.

As we post the videos on YouTube, we include links to our slides so you can look into the facts that pique your interest!

Watch/attend one webinar, digest the info and investigate, then join us again to learn more, ask questions and/or bring a loved one or public servant with you!

Highlights from prior participants:

  • Building biologist Eric Windheim shares how remediating home EMFs produced immediate relief for autistic boy — plus long-term developmental gains!

  • Deb Hodgdon pays homage to Rep. Patrick Abrami for the incredible inroads he made in the New Hampshire legislature.

  • Alison McDonough shares her experience with overexposure to EMFs from cell towers/5G in Harvard Square, and the research she’s discovered on neurological impact for 20% of the population who are highly sensitive persons.

  • Attendees ask great questions and share baby steps they are successfully taking to mitigate.

  • Nina Anderson, retired corporate pilot, discusses her article in Professional Pilot Magazine on the negative effects EMFs can have on a pilot’s brain function. Share with your pilots and flight crew when you travel!

  • Deb Hodgdon, the catalyst behind the NH EMF bills, shares the symptoms she suffered and how removal of wi-fi resolved them!

  • Finland EMF scientist, Dr. Mikko Ahonen, shares updates on cell tower 4G/5G radiation.

  • Minneapolis resident tells of neighbors and police sending 5G small cell installers away!


Monthly Update Meeting

We generally meet via Zoom on the third Wednesday of the month at noon Eastern to discuss ways in which citizens and public servants are are moving the needle toward safe technology in our communities. Join us to share your inroads and/or be inspired by others! You needn’t be from MA to attend, all are welcome.

Click to register.


Crush Your Cravings Masterclass

Free & On-line Event Live: August 23, 2024
It's such an honor when other health practitioners learn about our work and ask us to participate in their seminars. This one centered on cravings and addictions, including a session on tech addiction with Cece Doucette.


World EHS Day Symposium

Free & On-line Event Live: June 24, 7 p.m. ET
Cece Doucette joins Courtney and Amelia Gilardi of Pittsfield, MA to co-host this World EHS Day Symposium — World Day of Intolerance to Electromagnetic Pollution, in which others share their 2-minute electrohypersensitivity experiences and inspirations for safer tech deployment. Together we give hope to those suffering and inspire others to take action by spotlighting what's happening right now to:

  • Educate the public

  • Treat and prevent electromagnetic illness

  • Create accommodations

  • Protect children in schools

  • Adopt science-based local zoning code

  • Defend those injured

  • Enact laws for responsible technology and utility deployment

    Click for transcripts and resources.


    Pittsfield Prayer Circle

    Sunday, June 16, 8 p.m. ET via Zoom

    Please join us in solidarity to pray for justice for those injured and displaced by the Verizon cell tower. Register here.

    The oral arguments in the Pittsfield lawsuit will be given in court on Monday, June 17. Click here for details.

    Help us send positive energy to the judge, the attorneys, and the victims of the cell tower's radiation. Thank you.


Hormonal Havoc Summit

Free & On-line Event Live: June 17 - June 23, 2024
Encore Weekend: June 29 - June 30, 2024
Have your health and hormones been off these last few years? Do you feel something is just not right? Join experts to explore a 360-degree view of hormones, and how you can optimize and recover your total body health.

Whether you're dealing with long COVID symptoms, thyroid issues, autoimmune disease, neurological issues, cardiovascular problems, chronic fatigue, fertility challenges, menopausal issues or mental health concerns, this event has got you covered! Massachusetts for Safe Technology Director Cece Doucette is honored to present How Parents Can Take Action Against EMFs.


Canadians for Safe Technology

Tuesday, June 11, 2024, 7:30 p.m. Eastern Time

Topic: Addressing Wireless Radiation at the Local Level, Massachusetts, USA. C4ST Open Meeting - All Welcome. Guest Speaker: Cece Doucette


Evolution Expo

Saturday, May 18, 2024, 10-4: Keene State College, NH

Cece Doucette is honored to partner with New Hampshire for Safe Technology in their booth, and to give the talk “Could Your Wireless Tech Be Injuring You?” Join us to learn about today’s wireless radiation health risks, what symptoms to be on the lookout for, and how to develop safer tech use habits. You’ll also gain insights into why we don’t hear about the science and actions taking place in the courts and legislatures. Did you know NH passed a groundbreaking law to investigate 5G harms on people and the environment? You'll leave knowing how to stay connected and protected. Don't miss this cutting-edge talk!


5G & Smart Meters: Friend or Foe?

March 4, 2024, 5-6:30 p.m. ET, Free

Roecliff Jansen Community Library, Hillsdale, NY: Join the Scientific Alliance for Safe Technology’s (SAFE) Nina Anderson and Kathryn Levin along with Cece Doucette. Learn the risks from radiating technologies and what we can do in our homes and communities to stay connected and protected. Click for video recording.


It’s Not “All in Your Head”: Multi-Modal Healing with Dr. Judy Tsafrir

January 21, 2024, 4-5 p.m. ET, Free

Judy Suzanne Reis Tsafrir, MD, is a holistic healer, activist, artist, and gardener with a private practice of holistic psychiatry and psychoanalysis located in Newton, Massachusetts. She is a board-certified adult and child psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, is on the faculty of Harvard Medical School and the Boston Psychoanalytic Institute and teaches and supervises at the Cambridge Health Alliance. In this talk, she will discuss the multi-modal holistic approach she takes in her practice for the treatment of three conditions commonly associated with ME/CFS and Long COVID: Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS), Electromagnetic Sensitivity (EMS), Mold Toxicity, and Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (EDS). A recording will be available after the event.


Quit Sugar Summit

January 8-14, 2024, Free

World-famous scientists, MD’s Ph.D.’s, coaches, therapists, addiction experts, investigative journalists, chefs and more from around the globe come together for 7 full days to help YOU change your relationship with sugar in 2024. Cece Doucette, Director of Massachusetts for Safe Technology, is honored to speak on January 9 about the added risks of addiction from wireless technology and excessive screen time.


7 Ways to Make Your Home Safe from EMFs & Wireless Radiation, with Dr. Erin Acevedo

Mondays, Jan. 8, 22, Feb. 12, & 26, 6:30-7:30 p.m. ET in Beverly, MA; $10 class fee

Click link above for full details, then click registration link here.


Taking Control of Your Family’s Health

January 15, 2024: Virginia Medical Freedom Alliance Summit and Rally

The Summit is a full day of international and national speakers, medical and legal experts, empowering you with the knowledge to understand the risks each of us faces in the current paradigm. The full day includes a continental breakfast, lunch, social hour with hors d’oeuvres, and dinner with a keynote speaker. Cece Doucette, Director of Massachusetts for Safe Technology, will present on wireless risks and safer technology solutions.


EMF Safety in a Wireless World

December 5, 2023: BioBites 12 Noon ET Virtual Webinar

Marion Institute BioMed Programs invites you to register for an enlightening look at EMF safety with guest expert, Cece Doucette, MPTW, BA, and Director of Massachusetts for Safe Technology. See recording, and resources in the video description.


Health Effects of EMF and 5G

November 30, 2023, 6-8 p.m. ET: Family Life Center, First Church Congregational,
4 Georgetown Road, Boxford, MA

Join us for a discussion with Cece Doucette about how wireless tech can be doing us considerably more harm than good. Learn safe technology inroads being made by citizens, legislators and the courts. Walk away empowered with simple tips you can use today to reduce your radiation exposures — and have superior connectivity!


Children’s Health Defense Conference

November 2-5, 2023: Savannah, GA

Dr. Paul Heroux, Attorney Scott McCollough and Cece Doucette are honored to join Attorney Miriam Eckenfels-Garcia for the panel What About Wireless? The Ins and Outs of EMR!


Evolution Expo

Sunday, October 15: Concord, NH

Cece Doucette is honored to partner with New Hampshire for Safe Technology in their booth, and to give the talk “Is Your Cell Phone Making You Sick?”


Healthier Tech Summit

M-Th, September 18-21: 12 Noon to 4 p.m. ET, with live panel Q&A from 4-6 p.m. ET

Cece Doucette is honored to present Public Policy to Make Technology Safer. Additional Day 2 panelists include:

Rob Metzinger - The Future of 5G
Dr. Devra Davis - The EMF Impact on Wildlife & Children
Jenny DeMarco - Advocacy and the National Call for Safe Technology
Lloyd Burrell - How to Overcome EHS
Nick Pineault - A Practical, Compassionate Approach to EMF Mitigation


World EHS Day: Massachusetts

Friday, June 16: Zoom Event, 6-7 p.m. ET.

Please join Senator Paul Mark, State Representative Tricia Farley-Bouvier and citizens in Massachusetts as we honor those around the globe making the invisible disease of electromagnetic illness, or electrohypersensitivity (EHS), visible. We will share personal experiences, discuss legal inroads, and highlight public policy initiatives. All are welcome!

Click to watch!


EMF Medical Conference

More than 800 doctors, nurses, first responders, therapists and others attended the international EMF Medical Conference to learn to recognize, diagnose, treat and prevent illnesses from the electromagnetic fields (EMFs) of radiation emitted by today’s wireless technology and other electrical installations. MA for Safe Technology’s Cece Doucette was honored to present State and Local Policy.

  • 24.5 CMEs and CEs are available for continuing education credit until July 2023 for self-paced on-line training. Videos are also available at a reduced rate for the general public and those not needing continuing education credit.

  • Click here for a letter to give to your health care practitioners.

  • Firefighters also need to have continuing education credits but don’t often have travel budgets. They appreciate being able to attend the conference from the fire station. To help facilitate the conversation, please print out and bring the International Association of Fire Fighter’s position statement on Cell Tower Radiation Health Effects to your local fire station along with the conference letter above.

  • The radiofrequency radiation detection meter recommended for health care practitioners to loan to their patients is the Safe & Sound Pro II by Safe Living Technologies. Those agreeing to participate as citizen scientists in Dr. Magda Havas’ Global EMF Monitoring project can request a discount code for the meter. Learn more here.

Rutland: Do Cell Towers Belong Next to Our Homes and Schools?

Wednesday, May 3: Zoom Forum, 12 noon ET.

Thank you to the 446 citizens who signed the petition to stop the irresponsible placement of a cell tower too close to two neighborhoods, the middle school and the elementary school. Join us to learn more about the scientifically documented biological risks to us, our children, the pollinators and the environment — information suppressed by the wireless industry. We’ll also share details to attend the hearing on May 18, 2. p.m. at the Worcester Superior Court. See this recent interview on WCCA-TV, Tech Safe 5: Inroads in Rutland.


Wireless Technology: Choosing Safer Options to Protect Our Health and the Environment

Tuesday, May 2: Rochambeau Library, Providence, RI, 6-7:30 p.m.

Please join 5G Free RI, Toxics Information Project and Rhode Islanders for Safe Technology and Cece Doucette in a presentation of peer-reviewed science showing wireless tech causes harm, inroads in public policy and the courts, and ways for us all to personally make safer choices while still experiencing excellent technology connections.

Upton Town Meeting Warrant Article Info Sessions

Friday, April 28, 6 p.m., United Parish Church, 1 Church Street, Upton

Do you want a cell tower next to your home? Learn the scientific risks from Massachusetts for Safe Technology Director Cece Doucette. We’ll discuss how Upton and other communities are protecting sensitive areas like homes and schools through town meeting warrant articles and updated zoning codes. See March 27 forum video and additional resources.


1,000 Days and Nights Driven from One’s Home: EMF/RF/5G Forum

Thursday, April 17, 7-8:30 p.m. via Zoom

Co-hosted by Courtney Gilardi of Pittsfield, MA and Patricia Burke of Millis, MA, topics include:

  • Why Be Concerned About Wireless?

  • FCC and Health: Court Mandate

  • Smart Meter Risks

  • MA Citizens’ Petitions for Town Meeting Warrant Articles

Click here for the recording, speakers are bookmarked in the video description.

Great Barrington 5G Info Session

Thursday, April 20, 6:00 p.m. ET., Friend’s Meeting House. 280 State Street, Great Barrington MA

Join us to learn about 5G concerns, and the Citizen’s Petitions for Great Barrington and Sheffield Town Meeting Warrant items. Learn what 5G is and what implications it has for the environment, pollinators, birds and humans. A short video by Frank Clegg, former head of Microsoft Canada on his take on the dangers of 5G will be shown. If you are a voter you need to come and get educated about this important subject to be voted on at the May 1 town meetings.


Chester, MA Public Forum:
Wireless Radiation Risks & Safer Solutions

Wednesday, April 19, 6:00 p.m. ET, Chester Town Hall, 15 Middlefield Road

Technology Safety Educator Cece Doucette joins resident Eileen Duane to walk attendees through this issue, answer questions and demonstrate radiation emissions from wireless technology.


Pittsfield Virtual Prayer Circle for Court Case

Monday, April 3, 7-7:30 p.m. ET.

Join us for a virtual prayer circle in honor of the Shacktown residents, attorneys and Pittsfield public servants on Monday night from 7-7:30 p.m. ET. in advance of their court case hearing on Thursday, April 6 at 2 p.m. ET to seek justice against a toxic Verizon cell tower. Click to register.

Evolution Expo, Concord, NH

Sunday, April 2, 9 a.m. -4 p.m. ET, Free with Pre-Registration, $10 at Door

Cece Doucette will speak on technology safety in the Capital Room at 1:15 p.m. Courtyard by Marriott Concord and Grappone Conference Center, 70 Constitution Ave., Concord, NH. Visit Booth 11 with NH for Safe Technology!

Let’s Connect About Cell Towers — and Why You Should Care

Thursday, March 30, 7-8:30 p.m. ET. Full webinar recording. Legal advice for munipalities clip.

Hear directly from scientists and engineers (including Dr. Kent Chamberlin and Dr. Paul Heroux from the NH Commission), attorneys and injured citizens, as well as those fighting a school cell tower in Michigan.


Choosing Safer Technology to Protect our Health, Pollinators and Environment

March 21, 2023, Forbes Library, Northampton, MA

Click to see video recording from Northampton Open Media.


5G Awareness and Info Session for Sheffield and Great Barrington

March 16, 2023 at 6:30 p.m., Bushnell-Sage Memorial Library

All are invited to attend this public education forum in Western MA to learn why these towns have warrants on 5G restrictions for their annual town meeting vote.

The event will be held at the Bushnell-Sage Memorial Library, 48 Main St., Sheffield, MA. See invitation here.


Care for the Earth's Caregivers - with Green Teacher Magazine

Free 4-webinar series Nov 2 and 23, 2022; March 1 and 22, 2023

Please join Dr. Kerry Crofton to learn to protect your own wellbeing, as you care for our planet earth — and all her inhabitants. Her Less Screen, More Green – Mindful Tech Plan™ offers science-based information and practical skills for physical and mental wellbeing, including EMF reduction and a healthy connection with nature.

Natural Living Expo, Marlboro, MA

Saturday/Sunday, November 12-13

New England’s largest holistic health event. Cece Doucette will be presenting Wireless Technology Risks and Safer Ways to Connect on Saturday at 10:30 a.m. in the Seminar room.

Holistic Pros Lunch & Learn with Cece Doucette

Wed, September 28, 2022, 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. ET

Click the link above to see this free webinar, Wireless Technology - Effects on the Human Biological Systems: Discover Tools and Best Practices for Yourself and Your Clients.

Generation Zapped, Hillsdale, NY

Thursday, July 14. 6-9 p.m. Mettabee Farm

Following a wonderful potluck dinner, the community joined Cece Doucette for a screening of the award-winning film Generation Zapped and a Q&A session. See event invitation here for inspiration, and a four-minute clip of highlights. Please contact Cece if you’d like to discuss hosting a similar event in your area!

Standout for Solutions, Pittsfield, MA

Friday, July 15. 5:15-8 p.m., Park Square

Thank you to those who joined us in solidarity in calling for answers for those harmed and displaced by the Verizon 877 South Street cell tower. The Standout at Park Square was followed by discussion with Courtney Gilardi and Cece Doucette on the urgency of having protective zoning bylaws in place. See invitation here for ideas on how you might raise awareness in your own community!

Canary in a Gold Mine

Now Available on Demand

Don't miss Piti Theatre's "Canary in a Gold Mine" as part of the 30th Annual Ko Festival of Performance!

International playwright/actor Jonathan Mirin tells the story with wit and humor of the mysterious symptoms that befell his life and production partner Godeliève a decade ago — and how they figured out wireless radiation was the culprit.


World EHS Day!

Massachusetts for Safe Technology and Pittsfield’s Courtney Gilardi co-hosted World EHS Day: Voices of the Invisible Made Visible. More than a dozen children, adults, scientists and building biologists provided two-minute statements describing electromagnetic sensitivity and the severe impact it has on lives.

Join us to celebrate the strength and resilience of the EHS community, to learn about this illness and engage in creating an equitable and inclusive world for all!

Watch video here!

New England Assembly

June 15, 7 p.m. Eastern via Zoom

Likeminded citizens are forming groups across the country to create a better world. We're pleased to present Wireless Risks and Better Technology Solutions
and the New England Assembly welcomes all to attend.

Click for video!


Hilltown Health Community Education on Responsible Cell Tower Siting

May 18, 2022

Join Jonathan Mirin for a webinar with Dr. Kent Chamberlin who served on the New Hampshire Commission! Learn about the cell tower application in Conway, MA, and others.


Pittsfield MA Expert Forum 3: Verizon Cease and Desist

April 25, 2022

Pittsfield resident Courtney Gilardi welcomes EMF experts Frank Clegg, Retired President of Microsoft Canada, Chair of Canadians for Safe Technology; Theodora Scarato, LMSW, Executive Director, Environmental Health Trust; Dr. Toril Jelter, Pediatrician; Dr. Lisa Nagy, Environmental Medicine Specialist; Jonathan Mirin, MA, Founder, Piti Theatre Company; Cece Doucette, MTPW, Director, Massachusetts for Safe Technology.


"EMF EMR The Mother of all Toxicity"

See Dr. Patricia Jordan's frank presentation on Day 4 of the Dog Detox Summit, and learn how to protect your pets from today’s wireless radiation.


Rutland, MA Wireless Risks and Safer Cell Tower Siting

March 29, 2022, 6:30 p.m. Rutland Public Library, 280 Main Street, Lower Level.

Click here to watch the video! There is great discussion of the harm that happens when industry convinces our towns to allow them to install wireless infrastructure at close range, and ways towns can protect their residents, schools and pollinators.


Pittsfield MA Expert Forum 2: Verizon Cease and Desist

March 28, 2022

Five world-leading experts join Courtney Gilardi in Pittsfield, MA in support of their Board of Health's decision to issue a cease and desist order to Verizon for the cell tower making children and adults sick, and pollinators disappear. Learn from Theodora Scarato, MSW, Environmental Health Trust Executive Director; Martin Pall, PhD, Professor Emeritus of biochemisty and medical sciences specializing in the effects of low intensity microwave electromagnetic fields (EMFs) on the human body; Elizabeth Kelley, MHA, EMF Medical Conference Executive Producer, International EMF Scientist Appeal Director; Patrick Abrami, New Hampshire State Representative who introduced HB 1644 for cell tower setbacks and a registry of wireless harm; Cindy Russell, MD, Surgeon and Physicians for Safe Technology Director. See links to speaker resources in the video description.


Northborough, MA Tech Safety Talk

March 9, 2022

Northborough, MA is preparing to pilot smart water meters and residents have asked for an information session on wireless radiation risks. All are welcome to this in-person event for a basic understanding of the wireless issue and better technology solutions.


Pittsfield MA Expert Forum 1 on Cell Tower Cease-and-Desist Order

February 28, 2022

Featuring: Courtney Gilardi, Senator Denise Ricciardi, Dr. Paul Héroux, Dr. Magda Havas, Dr. Kent Chamberlin, Dr. Sharon Goldberg, Attorney Robert Berg, Attorney Scott McCollough, Environmental Health Trust Director Theodora Scarato.

Learn the scientific, medical and legal facts that prompted the Pittsfield, MA Board of Health to vote unanimously to issue a cease and desist order to Verizon for the removal of a Verizon cell tower that has made a neighborhood sick and pollinators disappear. We await the issuance of the order.

This is an excellent educational video to share widely with one’s own town, legislators and loved ones.


Dr. Kent Chamberlin Presentation to Tri-Town Health Department

August 19, 2021

Dr. Kent Chamberlin, who served on the NH Commission that investigated wireless radiation, presents the facts to the Massachusetts Tri-Town Health Department, with introduction by Executive Director, Jim Wilusz. See Dr. Chamberlin’s slides with active links to resources.


Press Conferences: Court Rules Against FCC in Federal Lawsuit!

August 16, 2021

Click here for Environmental Health Trust press conference led by Dr. Devra Davis.

Click here for Children’s Health Defense press event led by attorney Dafna Tachover.

Please share with loved ones, neighbors, towns, legislators, first responders, health care providers and local journalists. The FCC has NOT set safety limits based on science and children are especially vulnerable to today’s wireless radiation.


EMF Health Summit

July 24-25, 2021: Encore Weekend

Whether you’re a practitioner supporting patients and clients, a patient struggling with health issues or known EMF toxicity, a parent hoping to protect your children, or just someone interested in this topic, our leading health experts, scientists and authors are here to share the truth about EMFs and wireless radiation and how to live a healthier life in our electromagnetic world. Includes MA for Safe Technology Director Cece Doucette, “EMF Deathtraps: How School WiFi is Poisoning Our Children.”


Pittsfield, MA: Expert Community Forum on Cell Tower Harms

JULY 5, 2021

Verizon turned on a cell tower next to a neighborhood during COVID-19 and more than a dozen children and adults are suffering microwave sicknesses. Courtney Gilardi, Dr. Kent Chamberlin, Theodora Scarato and Cece Doucette discuss the hazards of cell towers in residential areas, and explain why the FCC public radiation exposure limits do not protect human health or the environment. They provide action steps to empower citizens, municipal leaders, legislators and health care professionals to protect our communities today until public policy catches up to the science. Please share widely to begin/advance the technology risk management conversation.

II Brazilian Meeting of Electromagnetic Protection

JUNE 24, 2021

Cece Doucette was honored to moderate the The Movements of Safe Technology in North America with panelists Frank Clegg (former Microsoft Canada president), Dr. Kent Chamberlin (Chair and Professor Emeritus, University of New Hampshire, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department), Theodora Scarato (Environmental Health Trust Executive Director) and Patti Wood (Director, Americans for Safe Technology, BabySafe Project, TechSafe Schools). This is part of a week-long Brazilian symposium with leading global experts in EMFs.

Pittsfield, MA Board of Health: Expert Forum on Cell Tower Harms

JUNE 3, 2021

Children and adults became ill after a Verizon cell tower was turned on during the pandemic in this Pittsfield, MA neighborhood. After the MA Department of Public Health reneged on promises to assist, the Pittsfield Board of Health invited a panel of EMF scientific and medical experts to educate and strategize on solutions to protect public health. Please share widely with public servants and legislators in your own town to begin/advance the technology risk management conversation.

Live from the Hive: The Pollinator Report


Vermont youth pollinator protectors interview a beekeeper, a soil-scientist, a state legislator, and Cece Doucette who discusses wireless radiation impact on our pollinators, planet and people. Click here for the full program, or here for the 5G portion, including a steel band video of the song We Do Not Consent. Folks are welcome to explore the links in Cece’s slide presentation, Wireless, Wildlife and You.

New Hampshire 5G Legislative Report with Dr. Kent Chamberlin and Cece Doucette


Dr. Kent Chamberlin, Professor Emeritus and former Chair, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of New Hampshire, takes us through the rigorous legislative investigation NH conducted into 5G and wireless technology. The final report concludes wireless is harmful and makes 15 recommendations for our towns to transition to hard-wired technology solutions. This is a highly credible resource, pleases share today with your towns and legislators.

Part 1: How the Commission Came to Be, and What it Was Tasked to Do
Part 2: Majority & Minority Reports, and Scientific Discovery (10:00)
Part 3: Conflicts of Interest with Industry and Federal Agencies (21:00)
Part 4: Recommendations to Protect Our People and Communities (32:00)
Part 5: Recommendations to Protect the Environment, and Next Steps (49:30)

Links to supporting evidence are provided with the video, in the description.

Slowphone Brazil:
Courtney Gilardi Reports How the Pittsfield, MA Verizon Cell Tower Made Her Family and Neighbors Sick


Courtney Gilardi shares with Brazilian activists how a cell tower showed up next to her home with no notice and made her, her two young children, and her neighbors immediately ill when the antennas were turned on. She chronicles attempts to ask for help from Pittsfield City Council, Board of Health, her legislators and the legal system. Click here.

Slowphone Brazil:
Cece Doucette Discusses Wi-Fi in Schools & New Hampshire 5G Report


Cece Doucette shares with Brazilian activists wireless risks in today’s schools, and the inroads made by the New Hampshire legislature with their groundbreaking 5G investigative report. Click here, subtitles available in Portuguese!

Critical Community Conversation:
5G Hazards & Better Tech Solutions


Cece Doucette walks us through the 5G and wireless issues, demonstrates radiation emissions from wireless technology, and answers questions. Learn steps others are taking to ensure safe, fast, sustainable technology in their communities. Walk away with simple strategies you and your loved ones can use today with your own devices to still access today’s technology but much more safely — and much faster too! Please share widely with your towns and legislators. Click here.

Burlington, MA Selectmen’s Candidate Forum

The Press Panel asks each candidate to weigh in on the 5G small cell applications, see 6-minute forum segment. Citizens are welcome to share with other towns to encourage an investigation into 5G and wireless radiation risks.

TechSafe Schools Webinars

The TechSafe Schools project provides the following for you to share with your schools:

Click here to watch the TechSafe Schools 3-minute video. 

EMF Medical Conference 2021

More than 800 doctors, nurses, first responders, therapists and others attended the international EMF Medical Conference to learn to recognize, diagnose, treat and prevent illnesses from the electromagnetic fields (EMFs) of radiation emitted by today’s wireless technology and other electrical installations. MA for Safe Technology’s Cece Doucette was honored to present State and Local Policy. Subsequent CMEs and CEs available for continuing education credit for self-paced on-line training.

Ben Speaks: FREE Speaker Series with Cecelia (Cece) Doucette, MTPW, BA

THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 2020 AT 6:30 PM EST – 7:30 PM EST

Who would know? Today's wireless technology - our cell phones, routers, wearable, gaming devices, etc. - emits microwave radiation that the science links to anxiety, depression, anger, insomnia, suicidal ideation and more. Come learn the science and risks, plus small changes anyone can make to still have technology, but without the toxic radiation.

Tri Town Health: Safe Cell Tower Siting Zoom Educational Forum, October 19th 6:30 PM-8:00 PM

Join Tri Town Health (Berkshires) for a discussion about scientific and policy developments regarding the health effects of electromagnetic radiation exposure from cell towers /antennas, and what citizens, policy makers and health care professionals need to know to make informed decisions for their communities. Invited speakers are Cece Doucette and Jon Mirin.

Wireless Technology Health & Environmental Risks for Massachusetts, October 15, 7-8 p.m.

Keep Hyde Park Beautiful and H.E.R.E. Justice Coalition hosted this Safe Technology Introduction event with Cece Doucette to help Boston residents understand the risks from today’s wireless infrastructure and devices, and to discuss strategies for safer technology solutions.

Zoom Generation Zapped Discussion

Newton Free Library Zoom Generation Zapped Discussion – Patrons of libraries that subscribe to Kanopy can stream Generation Zapped for free. The Newton library invited patrons to watch the film on their own, then Dr. Judy Tsafrir and Cece Doucette led a 1.5 hour in-depth discussion to bring participants current with wireless radiation science and efforts toward safe technology. See the presentation and Cece’s slides here. Please share with your own library and ask for a similar program.

5G Crisis National Call: What’s Working

Cece Doucette was honored to represent Massachusetts in this nation-wide call with others who are making inroads to safe technology in their communities. Hear also from California, Michigan, Connecticut, Florida and Illinois residents who share strategies and words inspiration!

Hopkins Medical Group

Hopkins Medical Group in Weymouth invited Cece Doucette to give a presentation (introduced @ 22:00) on EMFs. The video was edited for space, see Cece’s full presentation slides here. She was also a guest speaker for two podcasts, available through their Genius of Wellness program (Episode 12: The Dangers and Remedies of Wireless Tech, and Episode 13: Health Concerns Surrounding 5G). Please share with your own health care teams and others so they may learn too.

EMF Conference

Videos of the Sept. 2019 Santa Cruz, CA EMF Conference for health professionals is now available at a reduced price of $99, down from $295. Panel discussions and Q&A sessions are free to all. Another medical conference is planned for the end of January 2021. Please share with your health care teams and town boards of health and encourage them to be trained on this ever-increasing environmental toxin.

5G Summit

Josh del Sol, director of award-winning film “Take Back Your Power” relaunched the 5G Summit with new content plus original 40 experts, including Massachusetts' Cece Doucette. Encore weekend June 13-14. Consider sharing on social media to help others learn.    

Immunity Blueprints Summit

Cece Doucette was recommended by Dr. Judy Tsafrir to be a speaker in the “Immunity Blueprints Summit” featuring doctors, health coaches and others to empower understanding and optimization of one’s own immune system. Encore weekend June 20-21. Consider sharing on social media to help others learn.

Click here to join our efforts.

Please Support Our Work

Contributions are greatly appreciated to help continue our work.
We are honored to partner with our fiscal agent, the long-established
501(c)(3) non-profit Scientific Alliance for Education (SAFE).

Click here to donate via PayPal, and specify your contribution
is for MA for Safe Technology.


  1. Send tax-deductible checks payable to SAFE.

  2. Note MA for Safe Technology in the Memo line.

  3. Send to: 561 Shunpike Road, Sheffield, MA 01257

Please contact with any questions —
and thank you so much for your support!